Online Appointments for Tourism and Business Visas
Muy importante antes de solicitar su cita:
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT This Consulate General may ONLY issued VISAS for New York State residents. For an appointment, please send all the required documentation scanned in one single PDF document to the following email address: The document will be reviewed by our Visas Department. Afterwards you will receive an email with a date and time for your appointment. On the day of the appointment for a visa interview, bring the documents of the visa application printed out. If the visa is approved, a payment of $ 30.00 in cash is necessary. Please bring exact change. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR A TOURISM VISA • Completed Visa request form • Valid passport (passport must have a minimum of 2 blank pages and have more than six months of validity). • Proof of residence, employment or study in the USA: Green Card or American visa (NOT tourist visa B1/B2) • Air ticket (round trip) or booking to Peru. • Hotel reservation, tourist package reservation, or invitation letter from a Peruvian citizen or legal resident. • One (1) photo, passport size (2x2), in color and white background • The last monthly Bank Statement showing your name and current address Nota para nacionales venezolanos: - Solicitar la visa con una anticipación mínima de 15 días antes de la fecha de viaje prevista - Pasaporte vigente, con una vigencia mínima de seis (6) meses, desde la fecha que requieren ingresar al Perú. - Certificado de antecedentes penales para los mayores de 18 años, expedidos por la “Division of Criminal Justice Service”. (Es importante considerar que éste trámite puede tardar hasta 30 días). - Certificado de Antecedentes Penales de Venezuela REQUIRED DOCUMENTS FOR A BUSINESS VISA • Completed Visa request form • Valid passport (passport must have a minimum of 2 blank pages and have more than six months of validity) • Proof of residence in the USA: Green Card or American visa (NOT tourist visa B1/B2) • Letter from the employer/company indicating the purpose and the time of your stay in Peru • Air ticket (Round Trip) or booking to Peru • Hotel reservation • One (1) photo, passport size (2x2), in color and white background Información importante sobre vigencia de visas / Important information about validity of visas: For more information contact us by email: